Opportunities to Serve

Harmony House

Harmony House, located at 627 4th Ave, Huntington, WV 25701, provides a number of services to our neighbors in need, and we are proud to partner with them and St. John’s Episcopal Church. We serve lunch most Mondays, 11:00am at Harmony House. We also have an ongoing protein bar collection drive to benefit Harmony House.

We also help our neighbors in need by serving a traditional Christmas Eve dinner each December 24th from noon till 4pm.

Backpack Ministry

Through a partnership with Facing Hunger Food Bank, we pack bags of food for students at Central City Elementary. This bags of food help address food insecurity that children face over the weekend. This ministry operates during the school year.

Office Volunteer

.Office volunteers help in a variety of ways with work in the office. This may include being a friendly face to those who stop by, particularly looking for help, to answering phones, and other simply projects